Thursday, 17 July 2014

counter strike 1.6 maps download

Here you find free counter strike 1.6 maps for free download . The following are the most popular maps of counter strike 1.6. The collection of aim , de , and fy maps .
To download awp_arabia click here
To download awp_waterworld click here

How to reduce counter strike lag

If you want to be a pro first of all main reason is the lag because in lag you never be a pro . so for reducing lag of counter strike and cs server first of all just had a look of how to Make PC performance faster because it is the main cause of lag and second reason is your internet speed
Follow the below step to get your counter strike more smoother :

1) Start the server, press CTRl + Alt + Del, click Processes, find hlds.exe Or hl.exe in the list, and right click on it, Set Priority - Realtime.

2)  - Go o the hlds.exe folder (from where you have opened the server), make a shortcut to the hlds.exe, then you will find in the same folder another file "Shortcut to hlds". Right click on this one, press Proprieties, and in the first raw you have Target, and there yo have something like HDD:\location\hlds.exe .
Now add -console -game cstrike -pingboost 3 +sys_ticrate 1000 +heapsize 250000 +maxplayers 20 +map de_nuke. (this step is for cs server only)

3) In your cstrike folder delete file custom.hpk (this step is for both cs & server)

4) Add the following codes in your server.cfg file located in cstrike folder:

Counter strike skins download

Here you can find all cs skin so what you are waiting now change your counter strike skin of guns,rifles,c4 and etc . starting from ak 47 :)

To download this skin of AK 47click here and paste it in the cstrike/models . click on the picture to enlarge it .

To download this skin of AK 47click here and paste it in the cstrike/models. click on the picture to enlarge it .

Make your PC performance faster than before

Hello ! friends here i will teach you how to reduce lag in counter strike Or any online game or increase your PC performance even faster than before its very easy so follow the below steps :

1) First of all go to Control Panel\Performance Information and Tools and open adjust visual effect and change it to best performance this make your computer faster than before :)

How to create a counter strike server (Windows)

Here you find that how you can create a counter strike (cs 1.6) server which is free and very easy and lag free. so follow the below steps to make a good counter strike server:

In order to install a Counter Strike 1. 6 dedicated server, you need :
a.Windows XP, processor 1000 ghz, memory 256 ram
b. Connexion to internet
c. 300 - 400 MB free space on disk

1) First of all download server creator from this "link" .

2) After installation open it and follow instruction written in it which download all useful server creating files approx folder size is 320mb

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

CD HACK For Counter Strike 1.6

The counter strike 1.6 Cd hack is used to know the exact player place to shoot him with thru . You can download free from here. So download from the given link below and first extract it anywhere on the disk. Afterwards open cdhack.exe and minimixed it and then open the game , go to option and click on the keyboard tab where you find the "default" button press it and go through the server , it works :D

uTorrent Download For Free

This software is used for downloading PC games . It pause the downloading when PC is shutdown and resume after opening . This helps to save your time .